the tape discography


TAPE 11/30/2022, album

tape was made throughout the entierety of 2022, originally inspired by jane remover's "1000". i had heard the album shortly after it was uploaded to the official jane remover archive cahnnel , and i instantly fell in love with the production style . at first , i just experimented with a few ideas - doing unorthodox things like using kicks as leads or automating formant filter on a bass and then making the melodic sounds out of said bass - the latter of which became "swamp" . TAPE was my first proper attempt at an album - i've had many quick , unfinished, half baked ideas & releases over the past few years , though to me , tape feels like the first proper mutli track project of mine . i have my issues with it - particulary , how repetitive it can be - but it's much better than any other album i put out previously . my plan post release of TAPE was just to make more music in that style ! over time , this grew into a whole new album - "TAPE 2" .